Care Planning

Plan for Long-Term Care Needs

Did you know that once you turn 65, you have an almost 70% chance of needing some sort of long-term care services? And, of those who do end up needing long-term care, 20% of those individuals will need it for 5 years or more.

Plan with Confidence

Planning. Protection. Peace of Mind.

Long-term care costs can derail a retiree’s savings. That’s why at McPherson Financial Group, we help you develop a plan to cover the costs of long-term care with helpful products and thoughtful strategies.


We can help evaluate your long-term care situation and determine if purchasing a long-term care insurance policy is the best move for your financial future. There are many options available where flexibility can be maximized to ensure proper fit to your unique long-term care needs. We also offer additional planning options for those loved ones that may need asset protection in addition to long-term planning needs.


If you or a loved one is a wartime veteran, over the age of 65, and require home care, assisted living, or skilled care, you could be reimbursed from the Department of Veterans Affairs — tax-free! Receiving war-era veterans’ benefits is based upon meeting eligibility requirements administered by U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.



4 Misconceptions About Long-Term Care

Download your copy of the 4 Misconceptions About Long-Term Care by filling out the information below.

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